Journey Through Time

I don’t know who am I, or what am I? Am I a ghost, a memory, or a dream of someone? But what I know for sure is that I’m out of this time. I may be a few thousand years old but I’m free now. Free from all the sorrows and all the sufferings of the world. I have lived more than 100 lives in different forms and across different places in the world. They say when a person dies he/she either goes to heaven or to hell, depending on their sins or their goodwill. I got to tell you it’s not that simple. One more thing you need to know about what happens after you die is that you can go through and revisit all your lives. You can go through your life within seconds, all your memories and experiences. I remember the first time I encountered a near-death experience. I was born in a small village in ancient Egypt, my family was very poor and we belonged to the lower caste or the slaves. Let me just scroll through time once again. Just a minute, found it! My name is Muhammad. I am a sma...