This article is for the ones who care about our planet’s future or at least care about their next generation’s life. So if you are not that person I’d suggest don’t waste your precious few minutes reading this article. Now if you are the first person the following facts are definitely going to blow your mind away. Did you know where your old fashioned or so-called donated clothes go? Through this article, I shall take you through a journey of a cloth. Everyone loves dressing up and go shopping for clothes once in a while. We just need an occasion to go shopping whether it be Diwali, Dussehra, Christmas or your birthday for that matter. The point is, clothing is our basic necessity and we’ve just made it our luxury. People have more clothes than they actually need, closets filled with useless clothes. And when these useless clothes come out of the closet to get dumped away, 57% of these end up in a landfill. You would be surprised to know that 35% of the materials right in the sup...