"Race for the Vaccine"

The world is not in a good shape right now, the fear of the virus, and the harm that it has caused is unquestionable. All the eyes are on the vaccine that is in the process of being made up in labs, which no-one knows when it will reach us. It's like the ‘Space Race’, every country wants to be the first to create the vaccine currently, there are more than 100 candidates/industries in this race. The majority of them are in North America constituting almost half of the candidates i.e. 44 followed by China with 17 candidates, almost all of the candidates are of the private sectors. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding the vaccine which through this article I will address. Firstly, before getting to know about the vaccine, I will briefly address the working of the virus which will later help you understand the working of the vaccine. This virus or for that regard any such virus is very hard to kill because of their very simple design. ...